Tuesday, 6 October 2015

Part 2 : More Favourite Quotes (and why I like them).

More Quotes I Love...
Part 2 

Moving right along, we arrive at another super-heavyweight...

Albert Einstein
(1879 - 1955)

In many ways Einstein was the first scientist 'rock star'. He was greeted by huge crowds, celebrations, honours and awards wherever he travelled. His photos and caricatures were (and still are) everywhere. He is often quoted, and deservedly so. Here are some of my favourites of his:

1. ''If you  can't explain it simply, you don't understand it well enough.''
This is a gem. Far too many presenters and pitchers overcomplicate. And a lack of practice often means that a longer path than necessary is taken to get to the point.
This quote is reminiscent of the now well known 'KISS' principle (Keep It Simple, Stupid).  I've never liked the 'stupid' as the last 's', but that's the way it was born. It was coined by an American aircraft engineer (Kelly Johnson) and gained widespread use in the U.S. Navy as design instruction. Variations on the final 's' (I guess it has bothered others as well) include: silly, sista, and straightforward, among others.
For presentations, simple is the way to go.
I was thinking that perhaps Einstein was being a bit hypocritical with this quote, especially since his theory of relativity is such a difficult concept to explain or understand. But for that he has also offered a riposte:
''When you sit with a nice girl for two hours you think it's only a minute. But when you sit on a hot stove for a minute you think it's two hours. That's relativity!''
 (No, it doesn't explain it to me either.)

2. ''I know not with what weapons World War III will be fought. But World War IV will be fought with sticks and stones''.

With time and careful consideration, Einstein became a committed pacifist.  Yet, he had a hand in the development of the atom bomb. He was afraid that America's enemies would develop such a weapon, and he had specific information to lead him to believe so. So he wrote a letter... to the President of the United States. It is a mark of his fame and the esteem in which he was held that the letter received immediate attention.
The letter is in fact a 'call for action'  and worth reading in its entirety. This is an extract from his letter to President Roosevelt in 1939:

''...it may be possible to set up a nuclear chain reaction  in a large mass of uranium, by which vast amounts of power and large amounts of new radium-like elements would be generated. Now it appears almost certain that this could be achieved in the immediate future.''  

Einstein's pitch letter had an impact. It resulted in the American government setting up the Manhattan Project, which would ultimately develop the atomic bomb. One of the men who would go on to be called the ''father of the atom bomb'', J. Robert Oppenheimer, provides us with a valuable insight:
         ''Now I am become death, the destroyer of worlds.'' Oppenheimer said that witnessing the first bomb test in New Mexico brought those words to mind (they are from the Bhagavad Gita, a part of Hindu holy scripture). Remarkably enough, Oppenheimer taught himself how to read Sanskrit, and the translation is his own.
The musician Sting notably named Oppenheimer in his own anti-war song, ''Russians'':
                      ''How can I save my little boy
                     from Oppenheimer's deadly toy...''
The ''deadly toy'' is of course the atom bomb, the bugaboo of my childhood.
From Einstein to Oppenheimer to Sting in one link of quotes.

3. ''Only two things are infinite: the universe, and human stupidity. And I'm not sure about the former.''
This is both funny and astute.

Einstein is very quotable. And many stories about Einstein are equally interesting. There are many episodes in his life that could be used as examples in a presentation.

Einstein has also reached that extremely rare level of fame where his name alone says something. Interestingly, it can convey different meanings: genius, or stupidity:
''He's a young Einstein.'' (meaning: he's a young genius) , or:
''Well done Einstein!'' (said sarcastically when someone has done something rather stupid).

Einstein received pretty much every award imaginable in his lifetime. And he remains an iconic image to this day, perhaps the only scientist to occupy such a position. And even his quotes are interesting, insightful, and often surprisingly funny.

All the best, and happy trails,

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