Thursday, 14 January 2016

3 Reasons Why You Should Have an Elevator Pitch

Do you have an elevator pitch?
Do you need an elevator pitch?
The simple answer is yes.
If you are selling anything, from yourself to a product or an idea, being able to do it in a fast, easy, efficient and polished way will take you far.

First things first: don't take the name '' elevator pitch'' too seriously. Maybe one day you will actually make a pitch in an elevator, but that's not important. What IS important is being able to get your information across quickly and in an interesting way. So forget about the elevator part, and think of it as ''A Short Intro Pitch''.  It's called an elevator pitch because it's supposed to be about as long as an elevator ride. (Curiously enough, I actually have a friend who sold a business idea during an elevator ride, but that's another story).

Here are my three main reasons for having an elevator pitch:

1. It's a great way to organise your ideas and your thinking. It will get you to edit and categorise your thoughts in an easy to understand way. And once you've done that, it will give you more confidence in talking about what you do.

2. It's a powerful thing to have when someone asks what you do or you get an opportunity to present yourself to someone. Keeping it natural, knowing what to say and how to say it, and not overdoing it will make a very good impression.

3. It's an effective business and selling tool. It may end up getting you a job, more business, or help in winning an upcoming pitch. You never really know; but having an elevator pitch ready means you won't lose or fumble opportunities. It also may not result in an immediate sale, but done properly, it will plant your idea (or you) in the listeners mind.

If you have ever stumbled or not been sure what to say when asked about your job/ product/ idea then you need to work out an elevator pitch. It's easy, and it's good for you.

Check out How to Prepare an Elevator Pitch for tips and tricks to get you started.

All the best, and happy trails,

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